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Whose Song Is This?

Author: Andreas Hollinek

What all does it take one to compose
a tune, a song, these days?
A thought borrowed from Socrates,
an then some chords from GPT.

Tell me, who has
really written this song?

What a pretty song!
Oh, what a song!
Whose song ist this?

You do get along without a studio,
with synthesized tunes!

Just tap the beat,
just choose a feed,
just load it up
and load it down.

Just tap the beat,
just choose a feed,
just load it up
and load it down.

What all does it take one to compose
a tune, a song, these days?
A thought borrowed from Dickinson,
and then more chords from AIQ.

Tell me, who has
really written this song?

See also

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