: "Old Black Joe". Eines der nettesten Lieder über das Altern und das ewige Leben im Paradies. Komponiert und gedichtet von Stephen Foster (1826-1864). Text: "Gone are the days when my heart was young an gay. Gone are my friends from the cotton fields away. Gone from the earth to a better land I know. I hear their gentle voices calling 'old black Joe'. – I'm coming, I'm coming, for my head is bending low. I hear those gentle voices calling "old black Joe. / Why do I weep when my heart should feel no pain? Why do I sigh that my friends come not again? Grieving for forms, now departed long ago. I hear their gentle voices calling 'old black Joe'. [Refrain] Where are the hearts once so happy and so free? The children so dear, that I held upon my knee? Gone to the shore, where my soul has longed to go. I hear their gentle voices calling 'old black Joe' [Refrain]". Fingersatz ("FingMode") am Aerophone: "EWND". Zum nächsten Ziffern-und-Zeichen-Blatt einfach auf obenstehende Abbildung klicken.

Melodie / Hörbeispiel

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